Counseling for Teens

Counseling for Teens

Adolescents today face many issues and challenges that can lead to feeling overwhelmed and confused. The adolescent years are riddled with transitional issues – physical and emotional changes and the desire to establish independence from their parents, resulting in feelings of confusion and discouragement. These years can be a time of significant vulnerability for a teen, leading to poor choices and problematic behavior. Adolescents often don’t have the needed coping skills to deal with this considerable distress which may lead to your adolescent engaging in risky behaviors or becoming depressed and/or anxious.
Sometimes, adolescents may need someone outside of their family to discuss the stressors they are dealing with and help them relieve the pressure they feel. Others who are dealing with more severe issues such as depression, anxiety, violent behaviors, sexual acting out, school/home behavioral problems, or substance abuse will need more significant intervention.

If there is anything that we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that could better be changed in ourselves. ~ C.G. Jung, Integration of the Personality, 1939

Reach Out To Us

Your interest in becoming a better, happier, more fulfilled you has guided your path here.

Please get in touch with us to begin your journey of healing and empowerment.