Online Therapy
Empowered Me Counseling Center offers telehealth therapy to meet the modern needs of today.
Often clients report barriers, concerns, or hesitations when considering using telehealth. As such, some of the reasons why telehealth may be a good fit for you could include:
- As needed for weather conditions (SNOW days ! … We can quickly change an existing in person to telehealth for existing clients)
- Transportation (including access, costs for transit and/or parking, vehicle dependability)
- Caregiver responsibilities (including eldercare, childcare, and partner care)
- Accessibility (including physical limitations, mental health limitations)
- Convenience (available when you are available—even during lunch hour)
- Work/Life balance (requesting time off from work may be challenging)
- Comfort (who doesn’t want to have therapy in slippers and a dog in our lap)
- Privacy (no waiting room encounters)
- Safety (ideal for victims of intimate partner violence or other safety concerns)
Despite the benefits of utilizing telehealth, there are certain situations when telehealth may not be appropriate. These include:
- Complex mental health diagnoses; i.e., visual and/or auditory hallucinations, active substance use, recent suicidal or homicidal thoughts
- In some cases those under 18 may need a certain number of in-person appointments initially
- Those with a poor Internet connection
- Those with a lack of privacy
Telehealth sessions are managed via a HIPAA compliant platform built into the client portal. Sessions can be conducted by desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile device.
Reach Out To Us
Your interest in becoming a better, happier, more fulfilled you has guided your path here.
Please get in touch with us to begin your journey of healing and empowerment.
Empowered Me Counseling Centers
At Empowered Me Counseling Centers in Salt Lake City, it is our goal to succeed with our clients in discovering their true potential and value while empowering them to create healing, purpose, and well-being. We strive to build a world that celebrates the uniqueness of each individual and where human worth is a given.
Our Services
Counseling for Adults
Counseling for Children
Counseling for Teens
Family Counseling
Online Therapy
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Our Locations
Empowered Me | Counseling Centers
Murray 4516 S. 700 E.
Suite 275
Murray, Utah 84107